When I watch a movie, I don't want to be stressed to the point that I can't enjoy it. Incidentally, I find Romantic Comedies the most stressful, so I tend to watch Action-Comedy/Romance type movies. So, in these movies I've listed, there is comedy derived from one or both of the main characters experiencing the life of spy/violent people. I think what intrigues me about this is that it makes it somewhat more relatable? I can put myself in the shoes of a person who has a relatively boring, average life more so than I can James Bond, for instance. Don't get me wrong, I love my life not worrying about being shot and whatnot, but it's fun to watch these movies. Yes, yes I know they're heteronormative trash, but I like them.
Red, Red 2
Keeping Up With the Joneses
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Knight and Day
Date Night
The Tourist
Oh, and my favorite movie snack is popcorn with junior mints.
